14 October 2006

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. I got a really bad cough and have been recovering from that. Vernie and my mom and dad-in-law have been great. Even when I was up in the middle of the night coughing, they were up with me. I experienced all the herbal/native remedies that they could remember too.
Regarding Vernie's visa, we got a letter from the U.S. Embassy in Manila finally. They said that they would send us an appointment for an interview soon, but that the interview would probably be in 120 days. So now we are waiting again till February to have the interview. After that we should have the visa soon.
Since I know I will be here for a few more months I have decided to start tutoring English to Koreans. The extra money will help a lot with our living expenses. Especially since we have decided to move out on our own next month. So it's pretty exciting here. We are looking forward to living on our own for the first time, and start a new job.
Thanks for reading. Keep in touch.

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